Friday, March 18, 2016

Spanish Period

During the 16th century the Spanish period evolved. It was considered as the most brilliant era in the Spanish history. Columbus is the founder of the new world and was excited to see what opportunities he had in the new land. The Moorish, Early Christian, Medieval, and the Italian Renaissance influenced the Spanish period.  

The interiors during this time were very elaborate; they used colored tiles, pine paneled ceilings which where then painted and carved, and they used plaster to make decorative borders around doors and windows. They used superb iron grilles for windows, opening and wrought iron handrails.  During this time they used tile pictures, which would resemble wall tapestries. The upper floors where either tile, stone, brick or wood. The floor design resembled a basket weave and used gentle colors. They would also hang tooled Córdoba leather that was brilliantly painted and gilded. Spain was known as the leading center in fine leatherwork. They cute pile carpets, rugs, and mats all by hand.

Furniture was also a big deal during this time; it provided simplicity and boldness. Basic carvings, rectangular shapes, and heavy proportions where greatly preferred for the furniture. Panels were used repetitively to create a pattern.  The most commonly used material was walnut wood- such as mahogany. And silver was used for ornamentation. They had limited numbers of different pieces like chairs, stools, benches, tables, chests, beds, varguenos and cupboards. 

One of the popular furniture pieces was the Sillon De Frailero known as the monk’s chair.   It was a walnut armchair with a simple rectangular form. It had a leather seat and back with broad front stretcher and they used decorative nail heads. It was prototyped for the mission chair.  

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