Saturday, February 27, 2016


The architecture of China is as old as the Chinese civilization. With all the information they have they have strong evidence that the Chinese have always enjoyed and indigenous system of construction that has retained its principle characteristics from prehistoric times to the present day. Over the immense area from Chinese Turkistan to Japan, from Manchuria to the northern half of French Indochina, the same system of construction is widespread; and this was the area of Chinese cultural influence.

The chines used construction techniques such as, stupa: which is a mound of dirt used for burial ground where a more permanent structure is built over the mound. This prototype was birthed in India. The stupa came to China as Buddhism and was spread to that religion. It was known that the important people were in the Buddhist religion. They also invented the Pagoda, which is a combination of the Stupa and the Chinese tower building.

As a visual icon in the modern world, the Great Wall of China is virtually identical with China. It was an architectural wonder and an engineering marvel, it is also an accomplished exampled of landscape utilization and manipulation. The Great Wall of China was located along the Northern boarder of China; it was built of stone, brick, wood, mud, and earth. The wall is 5500-13,000 miles long and it includes watchtowers.



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