Saturday, February 13, 2016


During this time, Mohammed was the head figure of the Islamic religion. He lived from 570-632 C.E. Islamic religion was the foundation of the Islamic design, and because of their region they had a great variety in design.  Islamic design was known for their mosaics. They used glass, tiles, and stones for their designs. During this era they used geometric shaped and patterns to make extravagant pieces. During this time it was the first time we see carpet being used. They used carpet so that when they would kneel down to pray they would be comfortable; they also used it on the walls. They also designed the horseshoe arch, which is featured in the Prayer Hall of the Great Mosque of Kairouan in 820-836 C.E. It is the most famous ancient mosque in Tunisia, North Africa.

They also used mosque as a central facility for prayer and worship. The first mosque was Mohammad’s farm; it was a prototype for mosques to come.  Some features of the mosque were: perimeter wall, covered hall of columns, and a courtyard. The main purpose was so people had a place to go and par to God kneeling on a carpet and facing Mecca.

Extra Credit: Alhambra Tour

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